What is the BCRP?
The Brighton & Hove Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP) is one of the leading BCRP’s in the country and here at The Consec Group we are proud to provide a vital supporting role. With over 500 local businesses, the BCRP make it their mission to assist business owners by giving them the tools they need to prevent and respond to crime and disorder.
What do they do?
The BCRP provide a multitude of services to help tackle crime and support business in the city. With the Police under increasing pressure, here at Consec our static officers and M.S.U. units fill the void, assisting clients in maintaining safety and order.
The BCRP offer:
- A city-wide state-of-the-art digital radio network and secure password-protected website which provides security partners with accurate intelligence and up-to-date images of individuals offending in the area.
- Provides crime prevention training, runs restorative justice sessions and operates an Exclusion Notice Scheme which bans prolific offenders from all BCRP member premises.
- The BCRP also refer offenders to partner agencies in order to reduce the chances of them re-offending.
Consec's role within the BCRP:
The Consec Group are accredited as a NightSafe member and an MSU Operator. MSU’s are rapid response vehicles that respond to incidents at venues that are needed by them, where security personnel are deployed quickly to deal with threats to safety. Consec provide a tried-and-tested approach, deploying highly trained security staff to support clients across the city.

Our Mobile Support Units come fitted with a radio and emergency phone, that are used in correspondence with a Panic Alarm for the client, allowing our highly qualified and trained security staff to respond to the incident as quickly as possible. Our MSU’s also come fitted with First Aid Trauma Kits, including an automated defibrillator and other useful equipment.
Mobile Support Units are crucial to reduce business crime in the area and alleviate lots of stress on local businesses and the Sussex Police, all with the help of the BCRP who provide us with any necessary info we need to carry out our tasks.
Please click on the links below to find out more about our MSU’s, and the BCRP our units use. Mobile Support Units – The Consec Group Brighton & Hove Business Crime Reduction Partnership (bcrpbrighton.com)